
Software Vendors Face Lawsuit for Unemployment Fraud Debacle

Software vendors behind the Unemployment Insurance Agency’s failed computer system, MiDAS, are at the center of a federal lawsuit filed Thursday. The class action suit names SAS Analytics, Fast Enterprises, and CSG Government Solutions as defendants. Three citizens who experienced unemployment woes are named as plaintiffs and are representing the thousands of people wrongly …

Thousands Call for EU to Support Florence Against McDonald’s Lawsuit

In one day, the petition has amassed over 24,000 signatures, leaving it just a few hundred away from completion. The American fast food chain filed the lawsuit against Florence last week, following the city’s refusal to let the golden arches set up shop in the famous Piazza del Duomo. McDonald’s accused mayor Nardella of back-tracking on his original decision, and claimed it had lost out on …

KFC Buckets Are Not Overflowing With Chicken

Plaintiffs’ lawyers often describe their mission as fighting for the little guy. Sometimes that means protecting the little guy’s rights to larger servings of fast food. In the wake of the national class-action battle over the size of Subway “Footlong” sandwiches, another fast food giant is facing a consumer claim about its portion sizes.