
Federal Judge Dismisses Flint Residents’ $150M Class-Action Lawsuit

(DETROIT) — A federal judge in Detroit has dismissed a $150 million class-action lawsuit filed by Flint residents and one Flint business, suggesting the plaintiffs refile in a Michigan state court due to lack of jurisdiction. In a decision issued Tuesday, Judge John Corbett O’Meara said because the plaintiffs didn’t file a claim under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, the case should be…

U.S. Judge Dismisses Proposed Class Action Over Tainted Flint…

The lawsuit’s claims are addressed by federal regulations for safe drinking water, and the plaintiffs can seek relief under state law, U.S. District Judge John Corbett O’Meara ruled. O’Meara found the constitutional violations alleged in the lawsuit stem are covered by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, which gives the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency exclusive enforcement authority.…

Congressman: Gov. Snyder Contradicted Himself Under Oath

‘Political finger-pointing’ Cummings vowed an investigation and requested that Snyder “produce all emails, communications, and other documents relating to how you and your staff planned, developed and released your 75 point plan, including your internal discussions about how and when to involve Mayor Weaver and others in the process.” Snyder’s spokesman, Ari Adler, in a statement said the …

7 Lead-Poisoned Families File Flint Lawsuit

Seven families in Flint, Michigan, filed a class-action lawsuit on Monday, seeking to hold a raft of city and state officials responsible for the lead-poisoning crisis that has made Flint into a symbol of government failure and environmental disaster, NBC News reported. The suit is the latest in a tide of litigation spawned by the crisis. Lawyers will ask the courts to certify a class action …

New Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Over Flint Water Crisis

FLINT, MI – A new class-action lawsuit filed Monday, March 7 over the city’s water crisis is seeking damages for those injured from exposure to the introduction of lead and other substances. The lawsuit on behalf of seven families states children and adults have been exposed to “damaging levels” of lead and seeks relief for physical and psychological injuries, learning and other permanent …

Seven Lead-Poisoned Families to File Flint Class Action Lawsuit

by TRACY CONNOR Flint mom Melissa Lightfoot says her youngest child, Payton, is one of the top students in her kindergarten class, but she is “so scared that could all change next year.” That’s because the 5-year-old — along with her two older siblings — was found to have high lead levels in her blood after the Michigan city switched to a more corrosive water source in 2015. The little girl …

More Families File Suit Against Flint Over Lead Poisoning

Volunteers distribute bottled water to help combat the effects of the crisis when the city’s drinking water became contaminated with dangerously high levels of lead in Flint, Michigan, March 5, 2016. the latest lawsuit against over the crisis was launched on Thursday. Photo by Jim Young/Reuters Multiple families in Flint, Michigan filed a lawsuit this week seeking financial recompense from the …

Class Action Suit Filed by Residents Over Flint Water Crisis

A lawsuit stemming from Flint’s lead-contaminated water was filed Monday on behalf of the city’s residents against Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder as well as other current and former government officials and corporations. The federal lawsuit — which is seeking class-action status — alleges that tens of thousands of residents have suffered physical and economic injuries and damages.

Another Lawsuit in Flint Water Crisis

The plaintiffs say authorities failed to take the appropriate measures to eliminate the danger of highly corrosive, lead-contaminated water, a danger they were made aware of as early as 2014. The alleged misconduct led to “physical and psychological injuries, learning and other permanent disabilities, weight loss, stunted growth, anemia, headaches, abdominal and other pain, mental anguish, …

There’s Another Crime Happening in Flint, on Top of the Poisoning — the Victims Can’t Sue

“There’s real danger that the injury is going to be permanent and lifelong in them,” Dr. Philip Landrigan, Dean of Global Health at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, said of the residents exposed to the water crisis in Flint. “The problem here is, no level of lead is safe,” Landrigan says. “Even low levels of lead — especially if exposure to low levels continues over many months — is going to …