
Immigrant Suit Claims Exploitation by Libre by Nexus

Buy Photo Pictured is a wall with waterfalls inside the Verona offices of Nexus Services Inc.(Photo: By Brad Zinn/The News Leader)Buy Photo 13 CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE A Honduran man and woman who fled their country’s gang violence in 2015 and sought asylum in the United States have filed a multi-million dollar civil class-action lawsuit against Libre by Nexus, claiming the Verona- …

Class Action Lawsuit Filed Over Interlock GPS Capabilities

Under Minnesota law, DUI offenders — in some cases — have the option of using the ignition interlock system as part of their sentences after conviction. The interlock system requires drivers pass a breathalyzer test before their cars will start with the ignition interlock. But the plaintiffs contend they did not agree to GPS tracking capabilities within the interlock devices as part of their …