
Google Employees Plan to Bring Class Action Lawsuit Over Gender Pay

A group of more than 60 female Google employees are considering bringing a class action lawsuit against the company for sexism and pay disparities, it has been reported. The action comes after a memo was leaked at the weekend from a male software engineer, which claimed that “biological differences” were behind the fact that more men worked in …

Tesla Responds to Harassment Lawsuit Filed by Female Engineer In 2016

The Guardian published a new interview with Tesla engineer and current employee AJ Vandermeyden on Tuesday, wherein Vandermeyden lays out what she sees as a history of discriminatory treatment in a male-dominated work environment. Vandermeyden’s new statements were made in the context of a suit she filed last year against Tesla, and follow major revelations at Uber of systemic harassment issues …

Cannabis Pesticides: Oregon’s Class Action Lawsuit

Back at the beginning of 2016, while Oregon’s recreational cannabis industry really got rolling, Bradley Lillie of Eugene, Oregon, filed a class-action lawsuit against Guardian Mite Spray makers All In Enterprises. The reason he filed this lawsuit was because the “all natural” mite spray to prevent a common cannabis plant problem was not all natural. In February, …