
Melania Trump Just Removed All References of Her Plan to Profit From Being First Lady From a Lawsuit

Melania Trump has resubmitted her defamation lawsuit against the Daily Mail’s website for wrongly reporting rumours that she worked as a high-end escort in the 1990s. But this time the paperwork has removed references to her plans to monetise her position as first lady. The former model is suing Mail Media Inc for $150 million (£120 million) in damages after The Mail Online alleged that her …

Threatened by Civil Rights Lawsuit, Park Service Expedites Protest Permits

The National Parks Service (NPS) said Thursday it would grant permits to organizations planning to protest President-elect Donald Trump’s swearing-in later this month in Washington, D.C., a win that comes after civil rights lawyers threatened to sue the agency. “We believe that this is a significant victory for free speech. They are doing this under threat of litigation,” Mara Verheyden- …