
Yahoo Email Privacy Lawsuit Settled

this point, we’ve seen plenty of class-action lawsuits over internet giants pawing through our email to either snoop on us or target us with advertising. For example, Google got sued in 2014 for scanning millions of students’ emails to build up profiles of users’ interests so it could target advertising at them. The search giant was then hit again a few weeks ago over scanning email, …

Expert: Lawsuit Challenging Hanen Injunction Faces ‘Uphill Battle’

Allissa Wickham, Law360, Aug. 25, 2016- A new suit in New York federal court hoping to narrow the scope of the block against President Barack Obama’s immigration actions is being called “novel” and “creative” by experts, but they say the case may face a tough road ahead since federal judges don’t often buck each …

Taxi Drivers Want to Ban Uber in Quebec

Taxi drivers and owners from across Quebec are planning to file an injunction to ban Uber in the province. Members of the Regroupement des travailleurs autonomes Métallos, which represents 4,000 taxi drivers and owners, met for their general assembly in Montreal on Sunday. They discussed an action plan for fighting against the rise and what they say is unfair competition from the popular ride- …