
JPMorgan Stable Value Fund Lawsuit Gets Class Treatment

Thousands of workers who invested their retirement savings in JPMorgan’s stable value funds got approval to sue the company as a certified class (In re JPMorgan Stable Value Fund ERISA Litig., S.D.N.Y., No. 1:12-cv-02548-VSB, order unsealed 4/17/17 ). The lawsuit accuses JPMorgan Chase & Co. of mismanaging its stable value funds—which are meant to be conservative, low-risk options that protect …

JPMorgan Sued for Self-Dealing in Its 401(k) Plan

JPMorgan Chase & Co. has been sued by a participant in its 401(k) plan for allegedly causing employees to pay millions of dollars in excessive fees through a scheme motivated by “self-interest.” The plaintiff claims JPMorgan, as well as various board and committee members with oversight of the $21 billion retirement plan , breached their fiduciary duties by, among other things, retaining …

JPMorgan Paid Dozens of Women Less Than Men: Lawsuit

JPMorgan Chase paid female employees less than their male counterparts, according to a Labor Department lawsuit filed Wednesday that seeks to halt new federal contracts with the massive bank until it compensates the women. Since at least May 2012, JPMorgan paid at least 93 women employed as lead application developers, project managers and technology directors in …

JPMorgan Pays $55M to Settle Mortgage Discrimination Lawsuit

JPMorgan Chase agreed to a settlement with the U.S. government over allegations that it discriminated against “thousands” of black, Hispanic mortgage borrowers from 2006 through 2009. The bank’s independent brokers charged minority borrowers higher mortgage interest rates and fees during that period, compared to “similarly situated white borrowers,” according to a government lawsuit filed Wednesday in a New York federal court. JPMorgan is expected to settle the lawsuit for $55 million without admitting any liability. “We’ve agreed to …

JPMorgan Chase to Pay $446K to Ex-Inmates Over Debit Card Program

The largest bank in the United States settled a class-action lawsuit this week that stemmed from outcry over excessive fees the institution charged former prison inmates over the last four years. JPMorgan Chase won a government contract in 2008 to furnish inmates freed from all U.S. federal prisons with debit cards connected to money they were sent or earned while …

Arab-American Bias Lawsuit Against JPMorgan Can Proceed: U.S. Judge

NEW YORK An Arab-American family whose business and personal bank accounts were closed in 2014 without explanation can sue JPMorgan Chase for racial discrimination, a federal judge in Detroit has ruled. Filed in February, the lawsuit by Najah Manni, his wife Kathy and their two children says the largest U.S. bank further discriminated against them by terminating a contract with their debt …