
U.S. Regulator’s ‘Throttling’ Lawsuit Against AT&T to Be Reheard

U.S. government claims that AT&T Mobility illegally slowed down or “throttled” data sent to wireless devices will be reheard, a U.S. appeals court in California said on Tuesday after it dismissed the case last year. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said in an order that it would reconsider the “data throttling” case before the full or “en-banc” 11-judge panel.

With Obama’s Veto Threat Gone, Asbestos ‘Double-Dipping’ Bill Reintroduced

A bill that targets the country’s current asbestos injury compensation system has been quietly reintroduced by a Texas federal lawmaker who is hoping President Trump is more receptive than his predecessor. U.S. Rep. Blake Farenthold, a Republican who serves on the House Judiciary Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, re-submitted the …