
Judge Rejects Google’s Email-Scanning Settlement

A federal judge in San Jose has rejected Google’s proposed settlement with non-Gmail users who claim Google illegally scanned their emails to Gmail users to target them with advertising, Reuters reports. In a decision released Wednesday night, District Judge Lucy Koh said the disclosure requirements were inadequate and the settlement did not include technical changes Google would make to comply …

The Most Absurd Internet Privacy Class-Action Settlement Ever

In 2013, Yahoo announced that it would begin scanning its users’ e-mail for targeted advertising purposes—just as Google does. As is par for the course, class-action lawsuits were filed. The Silicon Valley media giant, according to one of the lawsuits, was violating the “personal liberties” of non-Yahoo Mail users.

Google Wins Delay in Email Privacy Battle

A judge has granted Google’s request to delay a privacy lawsuit until after the Supreme Court decides whether consumers can sue in federal court without proving they suffered an economic injury. U.S. District Court Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California said in a ruling issued Friday that the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision in a matter involving the online data aggregator Spokeo “may provide …

Yahoo Settles Class-Action Over Email Scans

Yahoo has agreed to add new language to its privacy policy in order to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging that it wrongly scans email messages for advertising purposes, according to court papers filed on Thursday. The proposed settlement also requires the company to make some technical changes to the way it scans emails, but doesn’t require Yahoo to stop surrounding emails with ads. The …

Yahoo Settles Class-Action Over Email Scans

Yahoo has agreed to add new language to its privacy policy in order to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging that it wrongly scans email messages for advertising purposes, according to court papers filed on Thursday. The proposed settlement also requires the company to make some technical changes to the way it scans emails, but doesn’t require Yahoo to stop surrounding emails with ads. The …