
PuppyFind Lawsuit Has Ties to Area Breeders

Eric Swafford, Tennessee state director for the Humane Society of the United States, speaks about the possibility of new legislation and a lawsuit with connections to Madison County breeders. Seven people filed a lawsuit last week against PuppyFind.com. …

Peter Thiel Ties Gawker Lawsuit to Fight Against Revenge Porn

Venture capitalist Peter Thiel is defending his financial support for litigation targeting Gawker Media for its reporting on celebrities by likening it to efforts to crack down on privacy violations like “revenge porn.” In a New York Times op-ed on Monday defending his decision to fund a case that ultimately forced the media company to put itself up for sale, Thiel cited the Intimate Privacy …

N.J. Legislation Could Alter Class Action Litigation in the State

A measure introduced in the New Jersey Legislature this year has the potential to save class action litigants both time and money, sponsors of the legislation say. The legislation, S1845, would allow a person involved in a class action lawsuit to immediately appeal to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court as to the certification or decertification of the …