
Daily Mail Pays Melania Trump $2.9 Million to Settle Lawsuit

The Daily Mail has apologized to Melania Trump and agreed to pay damages to settle a lawsuit filed by the first lady after the publisher made false claims about her work as a professional model. The settlement was announced in a joint statement from the Daily Mail and Trump’s lawyers. “We accept that these allegations about Mrs. Trump are not true and …

Opinion: Trump Could Lose Libel Lawsuit if Obama Chose to Sue

A year ago, candidate Donald Trump proclaimed that, if elected president, he would change the nation’s libel laws to make it easier for people like him to sue those who make false and defamatory statements about them. “One of the things I’m going to do if I win,” he promised, is “to open up our libel laws” so that when people say “purposely negative and horrible and false” things about me “we …

Judge Trims Relativity’s $1.5 Billion Lawsuit Against Netflix

Relativity has gotten past the first stage in its massive lawsuit against Netflix, but not without a couple of major chops from a Santa Clara Superior Court judge. At a court hearing late last week, Relativity was permitted to move forward on a claim that Netflix breached contract, but had its fair dealing claim as well as a trade libel one stricken. The two companies go way back.