
Hollywood Beats Lawsuit Over Smoking in G, PG and PG-13 Movies

U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg dismissed a lawsuit on Thursday filed by a California father who claimed that tobacco imagery in movies rated G, PG and PG-13 is a major cause of children becoming lifelong smokers. Timothy Forsyth filed a lawsuit in California court in February alleging that the Motion Picture Association of America, several major studios and the National Association of …

Anton Yelchin’s Parents Are Suing Fiat Chrysler Over the Death of Their Son

(JTA) – The parents of Russian-Jewish actor Anton Yelchin are planning to sue Fiat Chrysler and its manufacturer over the wrongful death of their son. Yelchin, 27, who starred in the new “Star Trek” movies reboot, was found dead at his home in Studio City, California, on June 19 after being crushed by his 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Friends found Yelchin pinned between his car and a brick pillar; …

New Lawsuit May Change What PG-13 Movies Are Allowed to Show

The ratings that films are given can be among the most controversial decisions associated with any film. Exactly how one defines what material is suitable for which audience is never a simple question. However, a new lawsuit looks to make the MPAA’s job a little easier.