
Federal Judge Refuses to Dismiss Lawsuit Regarding University’s Retirement Plan

Federal judge refuses to dismiss lawsuit regarding University’s retirement plan Federal judge rejects the University’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit regarding its retirement plan. A federal judge issued a mixed ruling on the University’s request to dismiss a lawsuit that accuses its retirement plan of excessive fees and poor investments. The judge, Catherine C. Eagles of the U.S. District Court …

Mastercard `Preying on Millions’ Sparked $17 Billion Fee Lawsuit

Mastercard Inc . preyed on more than 46 million unknowing consumers by unfairly charging card fees over a 16-year period, lawyers seeking to bring a 14 billion-pound ($17.2 billion) class-action lawsuit told a London court. The credit-card company infringed European Union competition law by imposing high charges to retailers that accepted its cards between 1992 and 2008, Paul Harris, a lawyer …

Alibaba Throws the Spotlight on Fake Reviews

A lawsuit filed by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is shining a light on the fake reviews and purchases on its websites. China’s biggest e-commerce operator sued, which allegedly links merchants with people willing to falsify purchases and write positive comments that can drive sellers up Alibaba’s rankings. The suit in Hangzhou West Lake District People’s Court is seeking 2.16 million …

VW Seeks Final Emissions Deal Approval Without Fix in Hand

Volkswagen AG is asking for a final sign-off on its $14.7 billion settlement with drivers as it continues to seek regulators’ approval of a fix for 482,000 pollution-spewing vehicles still on U.S. roads. Without an approved repair, VW may be left with only one option: buy back the cars with so-called defeat devices from the owners. And the German automaker might have to do the same for a …

Twitter Direct Messages Like Giving Islamic State a Satellite Phone

A lawsuit claiming that Twitter should take some responsibility for the rise of ISIS has been refiled with a revised complaint that the service’s direct messaging system is akin to providing jihadists with a satellite phone. It is the complainants third attempt in holding Twitter to account for the rampant extremism on the platform, with the lawsuit previously being …