
Lawsuit Attempts to Enforce Balance on Judicial Nominations Panel

A group of Iowa House Democrats is waiting to hear what comes next in a lawsuit aimed at rolling back changes to the process for choosing Iowa Supreme Court justices. The panel, which provides the governor with a list of nominees for the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, has traditionally included eight members chosen by lawyers and eight more appointed by the governor. “What has occurred …

Men’s Soccer Player’s Lawsuit Gives Rare Look at How Duke Decides Sexual Misconduct Cases

As litigation continues about whether Duke improperly suspended men’s soccer player Ciaran McKenna for rape, a superior court judge has allowed him to stay on campus as a student. After being suspended, McKenna sued Duke and Dean of Student Conduct Stephen Bryan on the grounds that the University violated its own policies during the disciplinary process. Hudson granted a preliminary injunction Wednesday that will allow McKenna—who was previously suspended six semesters—to remain at Duke for the time being. The injunction does not constitute a final determination that Duke erred, just that McKenna should not be suspended while either the court or a jury further decides the issue. After convincing the judge to make the complaint available publically, The Chronicle was able to review McKenna’s filing, which included exhibits, two hearing reports and supporting documents. The Chronicle has constructed a timeline and explanation of events based on the documents filed in court by McKenna’s lawyers and by the University. Those involved in the lawsuit either could not be reached for comment in time for publication or declined to comment. …

Unelected Panel Shouldn’t Decide Pay Raises for Lawmakers

An appointed panel considering 47 percent raises for state lawmakers, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other state officials faces a legal challenge: a lawsuit contending that Cuomo and the Legislature violated the state constitution by relinquishing the touchy pay decision to an unelected panel. James Coll, a New York City police detective and college teacher from Long Island who leads an Albany reform …