
News Organizations Refocus FBI Lawsuit to Question Cost of San Bernardino iPhone Hack Tool

A trio of news organizations — consisting of the Associated Press, Vice Media, and Gannett — have petitioned a judge in the United States to force the FBI to reveal the exact amount of money it paid for the technology used to crack open an iPhone used by San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook (via BBC). The same group of news organizations sued the FBI last September to gain more information about how exactly the FBI entered the iPhone, what “outside party” helped with the process, and how much the government paid for it. The new filing appears …

Bolt Threatens Lawsuit

The management of treble Olympic champion Usain Bolt has warned of possible legal action against persons and entities that are engaging in the unauthorized used of his trademarks. “It has come to our attention that in violation of Usain Bolt’s intellectual property rights, persons are using his trademarks and image in the advertising of their products and services and otherwise in the course of …