
Energy Transfer Partners’ Standing Rock Lawsuit: A Harbinger of What’s to Come in the Trump Era

Native Americans march to a burial ground sacred site that was disturbed by bulldozers building the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), near the encampment where hundreds of people have gathered to join the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s protest of the oil pipeline on September 4, 2016, near Cannon Ball, North Dakota. (Photo: Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty Images) Last year, Water Protectors inspired all of …

Lawsuit Aims to Stop NEXUS Pipeline

Ten Medina County residents are among more than 60 people in three counties who joined in filing a federal lawsuit seeking to stop the proposed $2 billion NEXUS Gas Transmission pipeline. The 50-page complaint was filed Friday with the U.S. District Court for Northern Ohio against NEXUS and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. A Final Environmental Impact Statement, or FEIS, was …

Residents File Class Action Lawsuit Over 2015 Highland Oil Spill

An Illinois trio has filed a class action lawsuit in U.S. District Court against a Plains All American Pipeline for a 2015 oil spill that contaminated land near HIghalnd Ill. Kevin Nodine, Cheryl Morr and David Medlock filed the lawsuit on Feb. 15 in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois through The Driscoll Firm in St. Louis. The lawsuit alleges violation of the Oil …

Tribes File New Lawsuit to Stop Dakota Access Pipeline as Drilling Begins

The Standing Rock and Cheyenne River Sioux tribes have filed new lawsuits in yet another legal effort to stop a 1,172-mile, 570,000 barrel-per-day crude oil pipeline that skirts the Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota within a half mile. Meanwhile, the pipeline company Energy Transfer Partners began drilling when the Army Corps of Engineers granted them an easement needed for construction …

Federal Lawsuit Aims to Start Rover Pipeline Construction in 3 Counties

Energy Transfer Rover Pipeline is one step closer to burying its gas line in Lenawee, Washtenaw and Livingston counties after the company filed a federal lawsuit Friday, Feb. 3 to start construction. ET Rover is trying to install a natural gas pipeline throughout West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan. About 58 companies, government entities and/or individuals …

Pipeline Protesters Target N.D. Police for Excessive Force

A class action lawsuit has accused Morton County Sheriff Kyle Kirchmeier and other North Dakota law enforcement agencies of using excessive force during a Dakota Access pipeline protest where a Bronx woman nearly lost her arm. The National Lawyers Guild claims at least nine plaintiffs suffered from injuries, such as seizures, facial burns, broken bones, bruising and eye damage during a violent …

Flint: Lawsuit Accuses School System of Failing Lead-Exposed Kids

In Flint, Michigan, the ACLU has filed a class action lawsuit arguing the public school system has not done enough to provide children exposed to lead with sufficient educational services. Flint’s lead poisoning began when an unelected emergency manager appointed by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder switched the source of the city’s …

Another Lawsuit Filed Against Bakken Pipeline Over Eminent Domain Concerns

Another lawsuit has been filed by Iowa landowners against Dakota Access’s Bakken Pipeline. According to court documents filed Tuesday in Polk County District Court, Bill Hanigan, of Davis Brown Law Firm, filed a motion to temporarily prevent pipeline construction on property belonging to 14 Polk County landowners. The lawsuit seeks a halt of construction …

Lawsuit Claims Pipeline Project Violates 1st Amendment

Geprags Park in Hinesburg is a popular place for dog walkers, birders and others out for a hike. “This is a regular walking spot for me,” Lisa Barrett said. Barrett lives in Richmond but takes her dogs to the 85-acre park.

Judge Dismisses ExxonMobil Lawsuit

A 2014 civil suit filed against gas giant ExxonMobil was dismissed in Faulkner County Circuit Court on July 12. Michelle Ward et al v. ExxonMobil Pipeline Company et al was among five other lawsuits filed against the gas giant following a March 2013 incident where a 22-foot seam in the Pegasus pipeline ruptured and spilled roughly 3,190 barrels of oil near Mayflower and Lake Conway, causing 22 …