
Lawsuit Against Daily Stormer Is Stuck; Founder Can’t Be Served Papers

A Jewish real estate agent’s anti-harassment lawsuit against the owner of the racist Daily Stormer website hasn’t progressed at all, despite being filed nearly four months ago. The reason for the stall, the plaintiff’s lawyers say, is that Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin simply can’t be found. They’ve tried, but failed, to serve him papers at four different Ohio addresses.

[Opinion] Why the First Lawsuit Against Trump’s Trans Troops Ban Is So Ingenious

In their lawsuit, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) allege the White House has turned Trump’s tweets into “official guidance … to be communicated to the Department of Defense.” They argue that this guidance infringes upon the equal protection and due process rights of trans troops. According to their complaint, the “categorical exclusion …

Voting Rights Groups File a New DMV Lawsuit, Saying It’s Still Too Hard for Californians to Register to Vote

A two-year dispute over California’s Department of Motor Vehicles voter registration procedures has again landed the agency in court. On Tuesday, a coalition of voting rights groups filed a federal lawsuit alleging DMV officials still require drivers renewing their registration by mail to fill out a separate card if they also want to register to vote. That separate step, the lawsuit said, …

Class Action Settlement Over PayPal Account Closures Finally Finds Resolution

No one ever accused the litigation process of being overly expeditious, but a $4 million settlement approved by U.S. District Judge Saundra Brown Armstrong will finally put an end to a class action lawsuit that has spanned nearly seven years. The original suit was filed by lead plaintiff Moises Zepeda, who sued PayPal in 2010 for allegedly closing his account and pocketing the money and …

Lawsuit Challenges State of Felon Voting Rights

Lawyers for convicted felons filed a class-action lawsuit Monday against Florida officials, alleging that the state’s process for restoring voting rights to people who have completed their sentences is arbitrary. The lawsuit, filed in federal court on behalf of seven convicted felons by the Fair Elections Legal Network and the Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll law firm, seeks to …

Fiat Chrysler Hit With Lawsuit Charging Age Discrimination

Buy Photo The Fiat Chrysler Automobiles headquarters in Auburn Hills. (Photo: Eric Seals, Detroit Free Press)Buy Photo 269 CONNECTTWEET7 LINKEDIN6 COMMENTEMAILMORE For the second time in two months, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles has been hit with a discrimination class action, this one alleging it mistreats older employees during their performance evaluations and as a result, gives them lower pay …

Sofia Vergara Lawsuit: Who Owns Frozen Embryos?

Vergara is currently engaged in a legal battle with her ex-fiancé Nick Loeb over the two female embryos, which they created through IVF in 2013, during their relationship, and remain frozen at a Beverly Hills clinic. The world’s highest paid actress and Mr Loeb, a multi-millionaire businessman, separated in May 2014 after a four-year relationship. Eighteen months later and it seems the case is …

San Francisco Judge Denies Airbnb’s Lawsuit Against the City

But what does free speech online have to do with any of this? Airbnb claims that it shouldn’t be on the hook for what users put in their listings, and that it isn’t breaking laws, its users who failed to go through a lengthy registration process for renting out their living spaces are. “Further, Airbnb’s argument that the city violated the First Amendment is moot because the ordinance ‘was not …

Former Ducks Basketball Players Refile Lawsuit Against University

As expected, three former University of Oregon basketball players have refiled a federal lawsuit that alleges they were treated unfairly and wrongly punished by UO officials after a female student accused them of an off-campus sexual assault in 2014. U.S. District Judge Michael McShane dismissed the players’ suit against the UO in September but ruled it could be refiled if numerous …