
The Easy Take and the Right Take on the Charlottesville Lawsuit

Lark Turner Last week, a complaint was filed against the organizers of the Charlottesville rally that left one woman dead and many others injured. The lawsuit alleges that the rally organizers violated Reconstruction Era statutes and state laws by organizing a rally intended to result in violence. The lawsuit has been much covered; here, we wanted to quickly highlight the (too) easy takes on …

$3 Million Lawsuit Filed Against Organizers of Charlottesville Rally

Two women who were injured in the car attack in Charlottesville Saturday have filed a $3 million lawsuit against the alleged driver of the car as well as the man who organized the white nationalist rally. Named in the lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday in Charlottesville, is James Alex Fields, Jr., the 20-year-old Ohio resident who is charged with second-degree murder, three counts of malicious …

USA Freedom Kids File a Lawsuit Against the Trump Campaign, Claim They Were Stiffed on Expenses

It’s hard to forget the USA Freedom Kids who performed a memorable skit that was mesmerizing and more than a little strange. The girls went viral, with the link below accumulating more than six million views. Apparently the Trump campaign was supposed to reimburse the kid’s group for their travel and other associated fees, but the Trump camp backed out, stiffing the girls and their parents.