
T, NTNX, CRCM – Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC Class Action

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / May 7, 2019 / Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC reminds investors that a class action lawsuit has been filed against the following publicly-traded companies. You can review a copy of the Complaints by visiting the links below or you may contact Peretz Bronstein, Esq. or his Investor Relations Analyst, Yael Hurwitz of Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman, LLC at …

Voting Rights Groups File a New DMV Lawsuit, Saying It’s Still Too Hard for Californians to Register to Vote

A two-year dispute over California’s Department of Motor Vehicles voter registration procedures has again landed the agency in court. On Tuesday, a coalition of voting rights groups filed a federal lawsuit alleging DMV officials still require drivers renewing their registration by mail to fill out a separate card if they also want to register to vote. That separate step, the lawsuit said, …

[Opinion] AJC Watchdog: DC Lawyers, Liberal Groups Push 6th District Lawsuit

With the nation’s most closely watched congressional race headed to a runoff in June, a D.C.-based voting rights advocacy group is pressing in federal court to reopen voter registration. It is the latest legal maneuver for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law. The non-profit law firm dates back to the Kennedy administration, but it’s been very active in Georgia since the …

Scranton Landlords Joining Class-Action Lawsuit Against Rental-Registration Fees

More than 100 Scranton landlords recently joined a pending class-action lawsuit that challenges the city’s rental registration fees as arbitrary and excessive, and seeks refunds. The city’s revision of rental registration rules in 2014, imposing fees of $150 per building, $50 per unit and inspections, spurred a lawsuit in 2015 in Lackawanna County Court from landlord Adam Guiffrida. His lawsuit …

Federal Judge Sanctions Texas in Voter Registration Lawsuit

A federal judge has ordered sanctions against the state of Texas for blowing past deadlines and ignoring a court order to hand over thousands of pages of documents in a lawsuit challenging its voter registration practices. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s office’s “months-long delay” in producing the documents “has been disruptive, time consuming, cost consuming” and has burdened plaintiffs …

Voting Advocates Announce a Settlement of “Exact Match” Lawsuit in Georgia

The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Project Vote, Campaign Legal Center, Voting Rights Institute at the Georgetown University Law Center, along with the New York City office of Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP and Atlanta-based firm of Caplan Cobb LLP, acting as pro bono counsel, announced a settlement today in a lawsuit filed on behalf Asian Americans Advancing Justice – …

NY Elections Board Illegally Purged 117,000 Brooklyn Voters

© Saul Martinez / Reuters The Department of Justice alleges the New York Board of Elections broke the law when it purged approximately 117,000 Brooklyn voters before the presidential primary. The federal agency intervened in a lawsuit against the New York City Board of Elections (NYCBOE) over the purge which had many Brooklyn residents showing up at the polls to vote to be told they were not …

San Francisco Judge Denies Airbnb’s Lawsuit Against the City

But what does free speech online have to do with any of this? Airbnb claims that it shouldn’t be on the hook for what users put in their listings, and that it isn’t breaking laws, its users who failed to go through a lengthy registration process for renting out their living spaces are. “Further, Airbnb’s argument that the city violated the First Amendment is moot because the ordinance ‘was not …

Lawsuit Filed Against Cabell Clerk Over Online Voting

A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Cabell County Clerk Karen Cole for refusing to recognize and permit online voter registration within the county. Thursday, the American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia and the National Voting Rights Project filed the lawsuit on behalf of Marshall University student Allison Mullins in Federal District Court in Huntington. “Clerks …

Groups File Federal Lawsuit to Extend Voter Registration Deadline in Virginia

The state’s online voter registration system crashed on Monday, preventing some Virginians from signing up in time for the November 8th election. Now, voting rights groups have filed a federal lawsuit to force the state to extend the deadline. It’s impossible to know how many people were affected, but the groups that filed the federal lawsuit believe there could be …