
Lessons for LearningRx on Comeback From Federal Lawsuit

LearningRx, a Colorado Springs company that operates a franchised network of 80 tutoring centers in 25 states, is just beginning to recover after a 1½-year battle with the Federal Trade Commission over whether it could back up its advertising claims with scientific studies and other research. The company settled in May a lawsuit filed in federal court last year by the agency that alleged it …

Settlement in WSU Lawsuit May Be Coming

A former administrator who earlier this year sued Wright State University’s research arm has submitted a filing indicating a settlement in the suit may be forthcoming. Ryan Fendley, former senior advisor to the Wright State provost, filed a motion Sept. 6 in Greene County Common Pleas Court seeking additional time to submit a final entry reflecting a settlement. Fendley sued Wright State …

California Law: Side Effects of Prescription Medication

Many people do not think that side effects of an otherwise harmless prescription medication can kill you. While many of the outcomes don’t end in death, these medications can cause lasting damage. There are times when proper research isn’t done during clinical trials or a drug was rushed out to the public.

Lawsuit Filed Over John Kanzius Radio-Wave Cancer Technology

A lawsuit filed in the federal courthouse in Houston is threatening to halt the research on the John Kanzius radio-wave cancer technology. The lawsuit, which was filed by the Baylor School of Medicine, alleges that the company that owns the rights to the device, NeoTherma Oncology of Kansas, failed on a promise to provide $9 million to take the research to human trials. A clerk with the United …

What the Fitbit Lawsuit Means for Clinical researchers

Fitbit is facing a class-action lawsuit regarding the accuracy of their heart-rate data, which have been shown to be inaccurate by a margin of up to 20 beats per minute by researchers at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. This news risks sending back to the drawing board many of us who have been optimistically experimenting with biotelemetry. We’ve been asked about the lawsuit nearly …

ACLU Lawsuit Challenges U.S. Computer Hacking Law

The American Civil Liberties Union on Wednesday filed a lawsuit challenging a 30-year-old hacking-crimes law, saying the law inhibits research about online discrimination. The civil rights group is challenging the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act on behalf of a group of academic researchers, computer scientists, and journalists. The CFAA limits online research because of its “overbroad criminal …

IU Files to Join Lawsuit Against New Abortion Law

Indiana University has joined the fight against the state’s new abortion law. This week, the school joined a challenge against HEA 1337 filed in federal court by the ACLU and Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky. IU claims the law could result in criminal charges against the university and its employees engaged in ongoing fetal tissue research on autism, Alzheimer’s and …

Accounting Class-Action Filings Rose Again in 2015

A new report from Cornerstone Research indicates that securities class-action filings with accounting allegations rose for the third consecutive year. According to Accounting Class Action Filings and Settlements – 2015 Review and Analysis, the 71 filings last year exceeded the average over the past decade of 67 filings. There were 69 accounting-related case filings in 2014.

New: 87 Deceased NFL Players Test Positive for Brain Disease

A total of 87 out of 91 former NFL players have tested positive for the brain disease at the center of the debate over concussions in football, according to new figures from the nation’s largest brain bank focused on the study of traumatic head injury. Researchers with the Department of Veterans Affairs and Boston University have now identified the degenerative disease known as chronic …