
Church of Scientology Lawsuit: What A-List Members Know

These are just some of the allegations an anonymous plaintiff is making in a suit filed on June 18 against the Church of Scientology and its current leader, David Miscavige, 59. “The Church of Scientology presents a facade to the outside world to disguise what, in reality, is nothing more than a cult built on mind control,” the lawsuit alleges. In response to Jane Doe’s suit, the church’s …

Lawsuit: Nevada Worker Fired for Not Accepting Scientology

A Catholic woman fired from her job at a bottled water company led by a Nevada lawmaker has filed a federal lawsuit against the business, saying she was pressured to watch videos on Scientology and was denied pay raises because of her religious beliefs. Grecia Echevarria-Hernandez filed a discrimination lawsuit April 26 against Las Vegas-based, also known as Real …