
Legislative Council Drops Medicaid Lawsuit Against Gov. Walker

In Wednesday’s 5-9 vote, the Alaska Legislative Council voted down a motion to continue the lawsuit during a brief morning meeting held by telephone. The vote means the council will not move forward with an appeal of the Superior Court’s decision and that it will end its contracts with two private law firms, said Council chair Sen. Gary Stevens, R-Kodiak, who voted against continuing the …

Lawsuit in Child Deaths Goes to the Heart of Long SC DSS Controversy

Twenty months ago, when news of the five slain Jones children first stunned South Carolina and the nation, state Sen. Vincent Sheheen slammed Gov. Nikki Haley and the S.C. Department of Social Services for not doing more to protect the Jones children. Haley, who had earlier in 2014 praised the then-DSS director Lillian Keller as being a “rock star,” slammed Sheheen for playing politics.