
Planned Parenthood Lawsuit Challenges MO Laws

A lawsuit challenging Missouri abortion regulations is the result of a U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down abortion laws in Texas, but pro-life advocates here say they believe the Missouri laws will be upheld as constitutional. Planned Parenthood affiliates in Missouri filed the …

In Sirius XM Lawsuits, Settlement Might Cement Digital Music Monopolies

Sirius XM Satellite Radio’s recent settlement with ex-members of the 60s rock group The Turtles over royalty payments for old recordings has the potential to solidify the dominant position of big music services like Sirius XM, at the expense of new music services, independent and Web-based radio stations, and the listening public. If approved by the court, the settlement would give Sirius XM …

NY BitLicense Under Scrutiny After Bitcoiner Files Lawsuit Against NYDFS

For those who have been following the developments in cryptocurrency sector from past couple of years, the BitLicense fiasco is quite familiar. The cryptocurrency industry was in for a shock last year after the New York Department of Financial Services decided to implement regulations governing digital currencies, popularly referred to as BitLicense. With BitLicense coming into effect, …

Life Care Centers of America, Inc. Agrees to Settle Qui Tam Lawsuit Alleging That the Nursing Home Company Billed Medicare and TRICARE for Unnecessary Medical Services; Agrees to Pay $145 Million

The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced the settlement of a consolidated False Claims Act (FCA) lawsuit that was filed against private nursing home company Life Care Centers of America, Inc. (“Life Care”). The lawsuit alleges that, between January 2006 and February 2013, Life Care engaged in health care fraud by submitting false claims to Medicare and …

Lawsuit Alleges Flint Schools Are Failing to Provide Services to Lead-Poisoned Children

Nakeyja Cade bathes her three children in bottled water after her 1-year-old daughter Zariyah Cade (center left) had a blood test scoring high in lead content in Flint, Mich. on March 1, 2016. (Photo by Linda Davidson / The Washington Post) Public officials failed children in Flint, Mich., by allowing the city’s supply of drinking water to remain contaminated with lead, a known neurotoxin, for …

Appeal Court Revives Lawyer’s Lawsuit Against the NSA’s Email Dragnet

Another lawsuit against the NSA has been revived. Previously dismissed by a district court for lack of standing, attorney Elliott Schuchardt’s suit against the NSA for its domestic surveillance has been remanded back to the court that tossed it. Like several other surveillance lawsuits, Schuchardt’s springs from the Snowden leaks.

Chicago Taxi Surcharge Fee Class Actions End in Settlement Deal for Refunds, $48K Attorney Fees

Lawsuits targeting Chicago taxi companies for adding a 50-cent surcharge to nearly 410,000 credit card payments over three-plus months this spring have been garaged, according to a settlement agreement filed Sept. 9 in Cook County Circuit Court. On Feb. 22, Chicago resident James Freeman-Hargis filed a class action complaint against Taxi Affiliation Services, a Chicago-based company affiliated …

MasterCard Faces $19B Lawsuit in UK Over Illegal Card Fees

British customers of MasterCard are going after the financial services corporation over charging illegally high fees on store transactions for more than a decade. The class action lawsuit, filed last week at London’s Competition Appeal Tribunal by law firm Quinn Emanuel, wanted MasterCard to pay £14 billion ($18.6 …

Judge Tosses Lawsuit Seeking Illinois Bill Payment

A judge on Wednesday dismissed a lawsuit filed against Illinois by a coalition of social services providers trying to force the state to pay more than $100 million in overdue bills. Cook County Circuit Court Judge Rodolfo Garcia ruled that the fiscally shaky state, which has racked up $8 billion in unpaid bills, was immune from lawsuits of this …