
Energy Transfer Partners’ Standing Rock Lawsuit: A Harbinger of What’s to Come in the Trump Era

Native Americans march to a burial ground sacred site that was disturbed by bulldozers building the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), near the encampment where hundreds of people have gathered to join the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s protest of the oil pipeline on September 4, 2016, near Cannon Ball, North Dakota. (Photo: Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty Images) Last year, Water Protectors inspired all of …

Federal Judge Dismisses TABOR Lawsuit, Bringing Possible End to Six-Year Court Fight

The six-year fight over whether Colorado’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR) violates state and federal laws came close to a possible end Thursday, when a U.S. District Court of Colorado judge dismissed the latest appeal and ordered the case be closed entirely. The latest court actions from the federal district court came after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the district …

Did Donald Trump’s Nordstrom Tweet Open Him Up to a Lawsuit?

Ethics watchdogs who have long warned of the potential conflicts posed by the Trump family’s business interests were quick to cry foul on Wednesday. Importantly, they also saw it as a potential new opening to take Trump to court. Currently, the most high-profile legal challenge to Donald Trump’s business empire concerns what is known as the Emoluments Clause in the U.S. Constitution, which bars …

Data Breach Harm Standard May Head to SCOTUS in ‘17

Companies facing data breaches grapple with lack of clear harm standard for consumer class actions   Breach harm standing has potential to reach U.S. Supreme Court in 2017 Dec. 5 — Hacking attacks, lax data security and rampant cybercrime create risks for corporations, including consumer lawsuits stemming from large-scale data breaches. Plaintiffs have lined up at courthouse doors for years, …

Injured Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters File Lawsuit

The defendants claim they have injuries that range from severe eye injuries, to head lacerations that needed more than a dozen staples to close up and broken bones from rubber bullets and other devices fired by law enforcement. Last week we told you about Sophia Wilansky who was severely injured by what she calls a concussion grenade that blew apart her forearm and hand. She was flown from …

Time Warner Benefiting From Spokeo Decision in Wis. Federal Court

A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision limiting a consumer’s ability to sue a company’s mishandling of personal information is protecting companies like Time Warner from class action lawsuits. The case, Spokeo v. Robins , was brought forward by a plaintiff who complained Spokeo, a search engine company that specializes in providing personal information, had provided …