
MasterCard Faces $19B Lawsuit in UK Over Illegal Card Fees

British customers of MasterCard are going after the financial services corporation over charging illegally high fees on store transactions for more than a decade. The class action lawsuit, filed last week at London’s Competition Appeal Tribunal by law firm Quinn Emanuel, wanted MasterCard to pay £14 billion ($18.6 …

The US Government Just Moved to Block a Deal Between 2 Farming Giants

The Department of Justice has filed an antitrust lawsuit against
Deere’s planned purchase of Monsanto’s Precision Planting
business. The lawsuit, filed in a Chicago court, said the deal would remove
competition and raise costs for farmers, Bloomberg reported Wednesday. Deere, which is the world’s largest maker of agricultural
machinery, agreed to buy the unit from Monsanto in November.

Reimbursements Continue for Wells Fargo Customers in California Following Overdraft Fees Lawsuit

Reimbursements to Wells Fargo Bank customers in California continue to be doled out following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in April that denied the bank’s appeal related to a lawsuit involving overdraft fees. Beginning July 1, paper checks were sent to members of a class-action lawsuit who are no longer Wells Fargo customers, according to the bank’s spokesman Kristopher Dahl. Current customers …