
Class-Action Lawsuit Reveals Company Sat on 2004 Study Indicating Cold-Fx Does Nothing to Fight Colds

The makers of Cold-FX have sat for years on a study that suggested Canada’s most popular cold and flu remedy was no more effective than a placebo in treating symptoms of the viruses. The 2004 trial was conducted by Dr. Gerry Predy, a top Alberta public-health official, at a time when the supplement’s makers told consumers the product would bring fast relief from the effects of such ailments. …

California Judge Won’t Put Brakes on Upcoming Uber Driver Lawsuit

It looks like Uber drivers in California will have their day in court, as Bloomberg reports that the ride share company couldn’t convince the U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco to halt a major class-action trial. Uber wanted to pause the trial as it seeks to challenge a ruling in December that added 100,000 new names to the class action suit. Without the ability to stop the proceedings, …