
Lawsuit Challenges Chicago’s ‘Literally Incomprehensible’ Rules for Airbnb Hosts

A group of Chicago property owners are taking the city to court over rules for homesharing that are “literally incomprehensible.” Chicago’s new regulations for short-term rentals, including those made over web services like Airbnb and VRBO, are scheduled to take effect next month. In the lawsuit filed on Nov. 4 in U.S. District Court, a nonprofit group called Keep Chicago …

11th Circuit Court of Appeals Rejects Class Action Alleging Violation of Mortgage Satisfaction Recording Laws, Finding Injury-In-Fact Lacking Under Spokeo.

On Oct. 6, 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit decided Nicklaw v. CitiMortgage, Inc ., — F.3d –, 2016 WL 5845682, (11th Cir. 2016), holding that a class action plaintiff who alleged that CitiMortgage violated New York law by failing to timely record a satisfaction of mortgage, lacked Article III standing because he had suffered no concrete injury. Nicklaw is one of the 11th …

Texas AG Fires Off Brief in Waller Courthouse Gun Carry Lawsuit

The Texas Attorney General has fired off a brief in the litigation over the right to bear arms in the Waller County Courthouse complex. AG Ken Paxton urges that “Both the law and sound public policy against the chilling of protected speech demand dismissal of Waller County’s claim. He also urges that the Waller County court is without jurisdiction to determine the issue.

A Typo in Your Paystubs Could Cost You Millions

Imagine being sued by every single one of the employees who worked for you over the past four years because your paystubs have an extra comma in your company’s name. Or because the zip code is missing from your company’s address. Or perhaps because the paystub includes the pay period end date but not the beginning date.