
Brady Center Files Lawsuit Against ATF for Refusing to Release Documents on Bad Apple Gun Dealers, ATF-Authored White Paper

Today, the Brady Center and co-counsel Covington & Burling filed suit against the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF) in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. The lawsuit was filed after the ATF failed to comply with Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for information regarding ATF’s secret — but leaked — memo about reducing regulations on the gun industry as well as documents about gun dealers that, according to ATF inspections, did not comply with their legal obligations to avoid selling guns to dangerous people. …

The Easy Take and the Right Take on the Charlottesville Lawsuit

Lark Turner Last week, a complaint was filed against the organizers of the Charlottesville rally that left one woman dead and many others injured. The lawsuit alleges that the rally organizers violated Reconstruction Era statutes and state laws by organizing a rally intended to result in violence. The lawsuit has been much covered; here, we wanted to quickly highlight the (too) easy takes on …

Lawsuit: Domestic Violence Survivor Kicked Out of Town for Calling 911 Against Violent Ex

When a domestic violence survivor calls 911 against a dangerous ex, they don’t usually assume they’ll get kicked out of town. And yet that’s what the ACLU says happened to Rosetta Watson, who used to live in the small town of Maplewood, Missouri. She called authorities four times on an abusive former boyfriend from September 2011 to February 2012, according to the federal lawsuit filed Friday.

ACLU and Center for Reproductive Rights Lawsuit – Students Draft Supporting Amicus Brief

Sawyeh Esmaili, Catherine Kaiman, and Nicole Pecorella Thanks to Catherine Kaiman , Practitioner-in-Residence and Supervising Attorney of the Environmental Justice Clinic , two law students, 3L Miami Scholar Sawyeh Esmaili and 3L Nicole Pecorella, gained valuable experience drafting an amicus brief Kaiman filed in the Florida Supreme Court in the case of Gainesville Woman Care, LLC, et al. v. …

Dallas Cop Files Lawsuit Against Black Lives Matter, Obama, Clinton, Soros and Others. Will He Win? Take Part in Today’s Poll… | Simon Conway

A Dallas Police Office has filed a lawsuit against the Black Lives Matter movement. Co-defendants include President Obama, Hillary Clinton; Al Sharpton; Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and George Soros. Sergeant Demetrick Pennie, a 17-year veteran of the force, is seeking between $500 million and $1.5 billion in the complaint filed in federal court, the Dallas Morning News reported.

Dallas Cop Files Lawsuit Against Black Lives Matter, Obama

A Dallas Police sergeant filed a lawsuit on Friday against Black Lives Matter and its supporters, alleging the group is inciting a race war. Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, a 17-year veteran of the force, is seeking between $500 million and $1.5 billion in the complaint filed in federal court, the Dallas Morning News reported.

Sean Penn Settles $10 Million Lawsuit Against Lee Daniels After Receiving Apology

Sometimes it really is just all about saying you’re sorry. Sean Penn is calling off his $10 million defamation lawsuit against director Lee Daniels after reaching a settlement that included Daniels issuing an apology and making a donation to one of Penn’s favorite charities, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Penn sued Daniels in September over remarks the “Empire” creator made in an …

Suing to Make NYC Schools Safe — Because It’s the Only Way Left to Make the City Listen

Violence has become a routine part of life for many students in New York City schools. There’s ample data to prove it, but even more powerful are the stories of the students affected by this epidemic of violence — the 8-year-old boy who stabbed his ear with a pencil to block out his peers’ taunts, the 11-year-old girl who eats lunch in the bathroom to avoid her longtime bully and the 13-year-…