Texas Teacher Slammed to Ground by Austin Cops Files Lawsuit

A Texas teacher who was slammed to the ground by cops and told blacks have “violent tendencies” has filed a lawsuit against the city of Austin.

Dashcam video shows Breaion King, who is black, being shoved to the ground by a white officer during a traffic stop in June 2015. Later, another Austin officer can be heard making the remark after engaging in a discussion with King.

Police Chief Art Acevedo publicly apologized, and launched a departmental probe. King’s lawyer Erica Grigg said that when King contacted city leaders to have larger discussions about her arrest, she got little response.

King “wants justice and doesn’t want something like this” happening to others, according to Grigg.

The dashcam video of Officer Bryan Richter’s aggressive behavior, obtained by the Austin American-Statesman, surfaced last month.

Breaion King filed a lawsuit against the city of Austin.

“Less than 10 seconds elapsed between Officer’s Richter’s first request for Plaintiff to put her legs in the car and his decision to rip her out of the vehicle forcefully,” the lawsuit states, according to the American-Statesman. “Less than one minute elapsed between Officer Richter’s first words to (King) and his decision to use force.”

A separate video later emerged of Officer Patrick Spradlin speaking to King.

“Why are so many people afraid of black people?” Spradlin asked King.

“That’s what I want to figure out because I’m not a bad black person,” she answered.

Dashcam footage showed King getting slammed to the ground by an Austin police officer.

“I can give you a really good idea why it might be that way: violent tendencies,” Officer Spradlin then said.

“Some of them, because of their appearance and whatnot, some of them are very intimidating,” the officer said, according to the American-Statesman.

King is seeking damages in her lawsuit that “most probably” exceed $1 million.

Source: www.nydailynews.com www.nydailynews.com