The Law Office of Robbins Arroyo LLP Announces That It Has Filed a Class Action Lawsuit Against Outerwall Inc.


SAN DIEGO & BELLEVUE, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Shareholder rights law firm Robbins Arroyo LLP announces that it filed aclass action lawsuit on August 19, 2016, in the U.S. District Court forthe Western District of Washington at Seattle (the “Court”) on behalf ofthe shareholders of Outerwall Inc. (“Outerwall”) (NASDAQGS: OUTR)against its Board of Directors for, among other things, violations ofsections 14(e) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the”Exchange Act”) and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Rule14a-9 promulgated thereunder.

Outerwall Is Accused of Disseminating a False and Misleading ProxyStatement

The action arises out of a July 25, 2016 press release announcing thatOuterwall had entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger pursuant towhich Apollo Global Management, LLC will acquire all of Outerwall’scommon stock for $52 per share in cash (the “Proposed Acquisition”). Thecomplaint seeks injunctive relief on behalf of the named plaintiff andall other similarly situated Outerwall shareholders (the “Class”). Thenamed plaintiff is represented by Robbins Arroyo LLP.

The complaint alleges that, in an attempt to secure shareholder approvalof the Proposed Acquisition, defendants filed a materially false andmisleading Recommendation Statement with the SEC in violation of theExchange Act. The omitted and/or misrepresented information is believedto be material to Outerwall shareholders’ ability to make an informeddecision whether to approve the Proposed Acquisition.

If you purchased or otherwise acquired Outerwall on or prior to the July25, 2016 announcement of the Proposed Acquisition and wish to serve aslead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than sixty days fromAugust 26, 2016. If you wish to discuss this action or have anyquestions concerning this notice or your rights or interests, pleasecontact attorney Darnell R. Donahue of Robbins Arroyo LLP at800-350-6003, via the shareholder information form on our website, or bye-mail at [email protected].Any member of the Class may move the Court to serve as lead plaintiffthrough counsel of their choice, or may choose to do nothing and remainan absent Class member.

Robbins Arroyo LLP, a nationally recognized leader in the area ofshareholder rights litigation, represents individual and institutionalinvestors in securities class action lawsuits and shareholder derivativeactions. Robbins Arroyo LLP has helped its clients realize more than $1billion of value for themselves and the companies in which they haveinvested. Past results do not guarantee similar outcomes. For moreinformation about the firm, please go to