Thomas Gibson Considering Lawsuit Over ‘Criminal Minds’ Dismissal

Go figure, after eleven seasons of hard work on a television show, all it takes is one on-set altercation and kicking a show’s writer to find yourself out of the job. At least that’s what happened to Thomas Gibson who was fired from Criminal Minds. Initially a suspension, on Friday it was made official that Criminal Minds had lost FBI special agent Aaron Hotchner thanks to the altercation.

Now, according to The Hollywood Reporter, new evidence is emerging and Gibson has hired a legal team to look into a possible wrongful termination suit or something along those lines. Two weeks ago, after an argument between Gibson and writer-producer Virgil Williams escalated, Gibson kicked Williams in the shin, which is what led to his suspension, then dismissal.

People are seriously saying the guy is not aggressive because he wears a bow tie? Does he have a pocket protector and wear one of those helicopter hats too? Brutus The Barber Beefcake wore a bow tie and that mother fucker would fuck you up, then cut your hair. A bow tie is not a sign of passivism.

Probably did himself a favor, the show gets worse and worse every year. The ‘profiling scenes’ have gotten comically old. ‘Time to do the profile’… it’s like watching a ‘more you know commercial’ over and over and over again.

Williams is a rather “non-aggressive presence on the set” and even walks around wearing a bow tie.

Just like Burton on Banshee. Maybe he took his glasses of and Gibson panicked?
