USA Freedom Kids File a Lawsuit Against the Trump Campaign, Claim They Were Stiffed on Expenses

It’s hard to forget the USA Freedom Kids who performed a memorable skit that was mesmerizing and more than a little strange. The girls went viral, with the link below accumulating more than six million views. Apparently the Trump campaign was supposed to reimburse the kid’s group for their travel and other associated fees, but the Trump camp backed out, stiffing the girls and their parents. So they are hitting back in the most Donald Trump way possible—they’ve filed a lawsuit:

The USA Freedom Kids said in a newly filed lawsuit the Trump campaign broke verbal agreements for performances at two events and refused to pay even a $2,500 stipend for the group’s travel expenses.

The Trump campaign agreed to let them sell merchandise at the event so that they might cover their expenses, but that turned into a disaster. More from The Daily Beast:

Popick agreed, reasoning that the group could net more than $2,500 in merchandise sales, but, the rally was “chaos,” Popick told The Daily Beast.

There was no merchandise table, and it wouldn’t have mattered if there was one: security didn’t allow the girls to bring any of their merchandise into the Pensacola Bay Center. They left it outside in the parking lot, where all of it—the t-shirts, the CDs, the patriotic posters—was stolen while the girls performed their act, Popick says.

The Trump campaign later pulled the plug on an Iowa performance, while the girl’s and their parents were already en route:

“It was a long, overnight odyssey. They were exhausted, but excited to perform,” he said. “We flew non-stop to Chicago, and then had to drive another five and a half hours to Des Moines. It wasn’t until after we were already in the vehicle about an hour or two into it that we had to break the news to the girls.”

The Trump campaign said they’d save seats for the scorned performers, on the condition that none of the girls spoke to the media, Popick said. Even this proved difficult, as the girls were still wearing their impossible-to-miss sequined flag dresses, and the Trump campaign had placed their reserved seats directly next to the media enclosure.

Here’s the first viral performance at a Florida Trump rally in January:

Please visit the source link below to read the entire article.
