William Riback LLC and Carl D. Poplar, P.A., Announce Class Action Settlement in Takacs/Allen v. Union County (Strip Search Case)

A $2,286,000.00 (two million two hundred eighty-six thousand dollar) settlement has been proposed in a class action lawsuit about the strip search policies of the Union County Correctional Facility (the “Jail”). If you meet the criteria explained below, you can share in this settlement.

The United States District Court for the District of New Jersey authorized this notice. The Court will have a hearing to decide whether to approve the settlement, so that the benefits may be paid.

Who’s Included?

You are a class member and could get benefits if (1) you were admitted into the Jail from May 1, 2006 through June 30, 2008, (2) you were charged solely with a non-indictable offense(s), such as a disorderly persons offense, traffic violation, or held on a civil matter, and (3) you were strip searched upon entry into the Jail without reasonable cause to believe that you were concealing a weapon or other contraband.

What’s This About?

The lawsuit claims that Defendant Union County and its Correction Officers booking procedures constitute an unlawful strip search of individuals admitted into the Jail without reasonable suspicion to believe the Individuals were concealing contraband. The County of Union has denied those claims. The Court did not decide which side was right, but both sides agreed to a settlement to ensure a resolution and to provide benefits to the people who were affected.

What Does the Settlement Provide?

Defendants agreed to pay a total of $2,286,000.00 (two million two hundred eighty-six thousand dollars) for claims, plus a $10,000 (ten thousand dollar) incentive award fee to the class representative, plus $379,000 (three hundred seventy-nine thousand dollars) for costs of administration, plus reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, not to exceed $1,200,000.00 (one million two hundred thousand dollars) to be applied for upon the motion for Final Approval to settle the case. There are 7,620 strip searches payable within the class period. You may make a claim, for each admission during the class period. Each class member who makes a claim will receive $300.00 for each time strip searched per admission during the class period.

How Do You Ask For A Payment?

A detailed Notice and Claim Form package contains everything you need. Just call 1-866-778-9623 or visit the settlement website, www.UnionCountyStripSearch.com, to get one. To qualify for a payment, you must send in a claim form. Claim forms are due by February 9, 2017.

What Are Your Other Options?

If you want to share in the settlement, all you need to do will be to obtain a claim form, as just explained, and return it according to its directions. If you don’t want the settlement benefits or don’t want to be legally bound by the settlement, you must exclude yourself by November 14, 2016. If you exclude yourself, you can’t get any benefits from this settlement, but you could bring a separate case against the Defendants, if you want to. If you stay in the settlement, you may object to it by November 14, 2016. The detailed notice, available by calling or visiting the website below, explains how to exclude yourself or object.

The Court will hold a hearing in this case Takacs/Allen v. Union County, Civil Action No. 08-CV-711 on November 17, 2016 at 10:00 a.m., to consider whether to approve the settlement and a request by the lawyers representing all class members (William Riback, The Riback Law Firm, Haddonfield, New Jersey and Carl Poplar, Carl D. Poplar, P.A., Cherry Hill, New Jersey) for attorneys’ fees and costs. You may ask to appear at the hearing, but you do not have to. For more information, call toll free 1-866-778-9623, visit the settlement website www.UnionCountyStripSearch.com, or write to: Union County Settlement, c/o A.B. Data, Ltd., P.O. Box 170500, Milwaukee WI 53217.

For more information visit the source link below.

Source: www.prnewswire.com www.prnewswire.com