Debbie Wasserman Schultz Served With Class Action Lawsuit for (Allegedly) Rigging the Primaries

Throughout the Democratic primary, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has been hit with many casual accusations of putting her thumb on the scale for Hillary Clinton. Now she’s been served with a class action lawsuit, making the accusations official.

In a lawsuit filed Tuesday by Miami-based law firm Beck & Lee on behalf of a group of people who donated money to the Bernie Sanders campaign, attorney Jared Beck outlines six claims against the DNC chair.

Via Beck’s YouTube video: “The first is a claim for fraud—against the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz—based on the revelations from the recent Guccifer 2.0 documents purportedly taken from the DNC’s own computer network.” This claim hinges on leaked internal memos that suggest the DNC broke its neutrality agreement by plotting internally to help Clinton win not just the general election (for which they assumed she’d be the nominee), but the primary.

The rest of the claims pretty much all follow from the first one.

The second claim filed is for negligent misrepresentation, a legal theory based on the first claim of fraud. The third claim alleges the DNC and Wasserman Schultz participated in deceptive conduct in claiming the DNC was neutral during the Democratic primaries, when there is overwhelming evidence suggesting favoritism of Clinton from the beginning. The fourth claim of the lawsuit seeks retribution of any monetary donations [to the] DNC [from] Bernie Sanders‘ campaign. [All Bernie Sanders donors who donated to the DNC under false pretenses want to recover those funds.] The fifth claim alleges the DNC broke its fiduciary duties during the Democratic primaries to members of the Democratic Party by not holding a fair election process. The sixth claim is for negligence on behalf of the DNC—for not protecting donor information—as hackers broke into the DNC networks, potentially compromising their personal information.

Basically: The people who donated to Sanders are pissed their donations were made in vain, and they want their money back. They were probably going to be made in vain regardless, which means the DNC really screwed the pooch if they are found to have acted against him.

In a statement, Beck emphasized his lawyerly commitment to bringing about justice within our political system:

“This lawsuit is our effort as attorneys to give a voice, in the political system, to all those who have been defrauded by the conduct of the DNC in supporting and promoting Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in violation of its own charter which requires it to be neutral,” added attorney Jeff Beck. The class of representatives in the class action lawsuit is currently in the thousands and continuing to grow, as any donor to Bernie Sanders’ campaign eligible to join.

So if you donated any money whatsoever to Sanders, feel free to contact Beck to become a part of the class. Chances are you only donated $27, but it’s really the principle of the thing.

The whole legal complaint can be read here.


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