You need Flash to watch this video. Sorry, your browser doesn’t support Flash , needs a Flash update , or has Flash disabled.A DWI suspect struggled when police attempted to take his blood in early morning hours; soon after his head is slammed into jail door frame and falls to floor, bloodied. Reuben Williams filed the suit in federal court and intends to address the media about the suit Monday, according to a news release sent by his lawyer.
The video first came to light as part of an investigative piece by ABC 13’s Ted Oberg. The suit claims the HPD officer smashed Williams’ head against a wall, causing him to bleed, then spit on him to cover up the reasoning behind the incident.
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Activists say without cop shooting fixes, they’ll shut down Houston and Super Bowl. Reuben was arrested on Nov. 8, 2014 on a DUI charge and taken to holding cell. Video obtained by ABC13 shows Williams’ head slam against the jail door frame. Seconds later, Williams drops to the floor with blood from his head smearing the wall and floor of that cell deep red.
“Cops can do whatever they want because this video was never supposed to surface,” Williams told ABC13 at the time of the first report. Williams’ suit claims HPD failed to discipline the officer involved and violated his 4th and 14th amendment rights. The Houston Police Department nor the city of Houston has yet commented on the lawsuit.