Lawsuit Against UIL Threatened Over Traditional Gender Team Rules

Gay rights groups are warning that if the governing body for Texas high school athletics continues to hold firm on their rules regarding transgender students, they’re opening the state up to a lawsuit.

An informal policy by the University Interscholastic League, which requires student athletes to play on the team that corresponds to their birth certificate, is poised to become official on August 1. Attorney Paul Castillo with the Texas office of the LGBT rights group Lambda Legal, says that’s’ a violating of Title IX of the U.S. Education Amendments, which prohibits discrimination.

“Trans students have a right under Title IX to participate equally,” he tells Newsradio 1200 WOAI. “The stance by UIL directly contradicts Title IX.”

On top of opening the state up to a lawsuit, he feels the UIL, which is overseen by the University of Texas at Austin, should take a stand against discrimination.

“Transgender students seek nothing more than to be treated like all other students with dignity and respect,” he explains.

But UT and UIL are state agencies, and the decision comes at a time when Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing the Obama Administration over edicts to allow transgender students to use the restroom of their choice. That’s why Castillo doesn’t expect any change.
