Priebus: ‘Americans Should Look at [Trump University Settlement] as a Real Positive Sign’

On Friday Donald Trump settled the class action lawsuit against his bogus university for $25 million , despite repeated claims that he would not settle and settling was for losers. The settlement makes him look like a hypocrite (and also a crook). In fact, Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway had stated that when Bill Clinton settled the civil suit brought against him by Paula Jones it implied guilt. CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Reince Priebus about the apparent disconnect on Sunday .

“Well first of all it was a civil matter,” Priebus begins, which kind of hurts his argument. The burden of proof for a civil case is far lower than for a criminal trial, so if the Trump University case was settled out of a fear of a guilty verdict, that means Trump was theoretically even more culpable than Clinton.

Priebus’ main defense however is that Trump settled just so he wouldn’t have to deal with the lawsuit anymore.

“There are some things that are important to you, and there are some things that you just decide, look let’s move on, we’re not admitting wrongdoing, and let’s just start leading this country without distraction,” Priebus explains. “That’s what you’re seeing, and I think that Americans should look at this as a real positive sign about what kind of great president he is going to be, and how he wants to lead this country.”

Well, I know I’m reassured that the president-elect just had to shell out $25 million because 7,000 people sued him for fraud. Really sets a tremendous example moving forward. It’s especially comforting that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits throughout his life and still has some 74 pending against him or his companies , including complaints of sexual harassment.

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