The group is being represented by Maddens Lawyers, which handled four Black Saturday class actions.
Senior partner Brendan Pendergast said the group had a strong case for compensation.
“It’s readily identifiable, high-risk activity, slashing in dry grass. Particularly on a total fire ban day, it’s an activity that shouldn’t be undertaken,” Mr Pendergast said.
“When the inevitable occurred and the grass ignited, the fire quickly became uncontrollable,” he said.
“It could’ve been avoided by firstly not undertaking this hazardous activity on a total fire ban day but even if that was what happened, if proper fire suppressant equipment had been available, the fire could almost certainly been extinguished before it got out of control.”
The fire broke out on December 19 while Mr Skimming was slashing a Finns Road paddock, and it tore through 4,000 hectares of land and 12 houses.
“Most, if not all, fire victims are heavily under-insured,” Mr Pendergast said.
“It’s that portion of their losses that we’re seeking to recover, that is their uninsured losses.”