SHAREHOLDER NOTICE: Goldberg Law PC Announces Securities Class Action Lawsuit Against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. And Encourages Investors With Losses to Contact the Firm

LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–GoldbergLaw PC (the “Firm”) announces that a class action lawsuit has beenfiled against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. (“Fiat” or the “Company”)(NYSE: FCAU). Investors who purchased or otherwise acquired sharesbetween October 29, 2014 and July 18, 2016 inclusive (the “ClassPeriod”) are encouraged to contact the Firm in advance of the September27, 2016 lead plaintiff motion deadline.

If you are a shareholder who suffered a loss during the Class Period, clickhere to participate. In addition, we advise you to contactMichael Goldberg or Brian Schall, of Goldberg Law PC, 1999 Avenue of theStars, Suite 1100, Los Angeles, CA 90067, at 800-977-7401, to discussyour rights without cost to you. You can also reach us through thefirm’s website at,or by email at

The class in this case has not yet been certified, and untilcertification occurs, you are not represented by an attorney. If youchoose to take no action, you can remain an absent class member.

The complaint alleges that throughout the Class Period, Fiat made falseand misleading statements and/or failed to disclose material facts aboutits business and operations. Specifically, the Company misrepresentedits growth by purposefully inflating the vehicle sales numbers of itsU.S. subsidiary FCA US LLC and falsely touting its streak of U.S.monthly vehicle sales growth (on a year-over-year basis). On January 12,2016, a civil lawsuit was filed against Fiat, alleging that the Companyhad inflated the number of year-over-year sales reported. Then onJanuary 15, 2016, the Company filed a Form 6-K acknowledging that alawsuit had been filed against FCA US LLC. When this information wasdisclosed, Fiat shares fell in value significantly, causing investorsharm.

Goldberg Law PC represents shareholders around the world and specializesin securities class actions and shareholder rights litigation.

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