
TrueVisions May Face Class-Action Lawsuit

While regulators continue to press TrueVisions to improve compensation to subscribers after cancelling six popular pay-TV channels, some customers have taken to an online “crowd-suing” platform in hopes of pursuing a class-action lawsuit. As of 5pm Saturday, more than 1,000 people had signed up to initiate the …

Lawyer Offers to Settle Suit Over HOF Game Cancellation

After last Sunday’s Hall of Fame game was cancelled on account of poor field conditions, lawyer Michael Avenatti filed a class-action lawsuit against the NFL seeking compensation for losses incurred by fans that attended the cancelled game. According to NBC Sports, Avenatti sent a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Monday morning with a settlement offer. Reports say that the lawyer …

Did Hortonworks CEO Take One for the Team?

When Hortonworks CEO Rob Bearden took questions from analysts during the company’s earnings call on Feb. 10, Barclays managing director Raimo Lenschow put him on the spot. Lenschow wanted to know what Hortonworks — the provider of big data crunching Apache Open Source Hadoop — was going to do to stop employee attrition, given how far the value of their stock options had fallen. “Have you …