
Lawsuit Filed Against Janitor Accused of Raping Student

The parents of a Roane County teenager, who they say was raped at school by a janitor, have filed a lawsuit seeking $4.5 million. The lawsuit was filed Monday against Jessica Elane Galyon, Roane County Schools, and Compass One Services of Tennessee. Compass One is the contractor that employed Galyon. Galyon also faces criminal charges in connection with the rape allegations. In February, a grand jury indicted Galyon, 29, on rape charges that included …

More Women Join Lawsuit Over Rape Kits

Buy Photo February 13 2014 – Stacks of rubber gloves and rape kits sit behind a glass cabinet at the Rape Crisis Center at 1750 Madison on Thursday Feb. 13, 2014. (Photo: William DeShazer, The Commercial Appeal)Buy Photo CONNECTTWEET1 LINKEDIN1 COMMENTEMAILMORE More women are joining legal proceedings against the city over the accumulation of thousands of untested rape kits disclosed three …

Student Accused of Raping ‘mattress Girl’ Loses Lawsuit — Again

The Columbia University student accused of raping “mattress girl” Emma Sulkowicz lost his second attempt at suing the university for discrimination — and this time the judge told him not to come back. On Friday, Manhattan federal judge Gregory Woods tossed Paul Nungesser’s latest lawsuit, which seeks to hold the Ivy League school responsible for the backlash and humiliation he suffered from …

Kansas State’s Inaction Led to Another Rape

A female student contends in a court filing Monday that Kansas State University’s failure to investigate the rape of another woman allowed the same alleged assailant to sexually assault her. The accusations were levied in court documents seeking to add the woman, Crystal Stroup, to a lawsuit already filed against the university by Sara Weckhorst, citing what it calls the …

Rolling Stone DEFEATED in UVA Jackie Lawsuit, Liable for $7.5 Million

A University of Virginia (UVA) dean triumphed in her lawsuit against Rolling Stone magazine Friday, with a jury finding the magazine liable for defaming her in an article about a bogus gang-rape on campus. Nicole Eramo sued the magazine in 2015 over her portrayal in the infamous Sabrina Erdely article “A Rape on Campus,” which recounted allegations by then-UVA student Jackie Coakley that she …

Why the Donald Trump Child Rape Lawsuit Is Credible and Can’t Be Dismissed

On June 20, news broke of a civil lawsuit filed against Donald Trump, who is accused of raping a 13-year-old girl some 20 years ago at the Upper East Side apartment of Jeffrey Epstein. Trump has largely been able to ignore the story, which has not been seriously investigated by major news outlets. But that may soon change.