
Judge: Mental Health Lawsuit Against State Can Continue

Federal Judge Henry Wingate has ruled that the lone minor in the 7-year-old federal lawsuit against the state over children’s mental health services can file an amended lawsuit and continue with the case. Attorneys for the state argued against allowing an amended complaint and wanted the case dismissed. Wingate said in his ruling that over the course of the litigation, several plaintiffs had …

Apple Just Won ALawsuit in China Regarding Design Violation

A Beijing court has overturned a ruling that Apple’s iPhone 6 violated a Chinese manufacturer’s patent which saw the US tech giant ordered to cease selling the smartphone in China. In May last year the Beijing intellectual property bureau had ruled that Apple violated design patents of Chinese maker Shenzhen Baili with its iPhone6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and would be barred from selling those …

How 75 Pending Lawsuits Could Distract a Donald Trump Presidency

Among the many Trump lawsuits, the most problematic could be the Trump University cases. Former students from across the country have sued in two class actions, accusing the school of charging them up to $35,000 and lying about the value of the lessons they would receive. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman sued in 2013 and has since described Trump University as a “fraud” and a “scam.”

Federal Appeals Court Rules Uber Drivers May Not Bring Class Action Suit

[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit [official website] ruled [opinion, PDF] Wednesday that Uber [corporate site] drivers may not join in a class action suit to pursue employment claims against the transportation company but must resolve their disputes individually. The claims included a host of employment contract issues as well as allegations that the company responsible for …

Judge Tosses Attempt to Dismiss Trump University Fraud Lawsuit

A federal judge on Monday shot down another attempt by Donald Trump to stop a group of former students from suing his former real estate school. Trump had argued that the fraud lawsuit shouldn’t have class action status because one of the students in the case, Sonny Low, didn’t actually care whether Trump University was accredited. But U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel ruled that …

Judges Rule Maryland Redistricting Lawsuit Can Move Forward

A lawsuit targeting Maryland’s use of gerrymandering can go forward, a three-judge federal panel ruled Wednesday. ADVERTISEMENT Steve Shapiro, the American University law student who filed the lawsuit, argues the map violates the rights of 6th District Republican voters to political expression and association. The suit asks the map not be used in future elections, but the lawsuit won’t affect …

Ashley Madison Class-Action: Plaintiffs Must Use Real Name or Drop Out

Ashley Madison class-action: plaintiffs must use real name or drop out A federal judge ruled that Ashley Madison plaintiffs must use their real names to participate in a class-actio lawsuit. A federal judge ruled last week that those plaintiffs who want to continue as part of class action suit against Ashley Madison over a 2015 data breach must use their real names or drop out. The judge gave…

Court Says A.G.’s Trump University Fraud Lawsuit Can Proceed

Bad news for The Donald on Super Tuesday as court rules N.Y. attorney general’s Trump University fraud lawsuit can proceed Updated: Wednesday, March 2, 2016, 12:30 AM On a day of Super Tuesday wins for Donald Trump, he suffered a loss in New York — a state appeals court gave a green light to a civil fraud claim against the GOP front-runner and his Trump University. In a unanimous ruling, a …

Supreme Court Deals Defeat to Business on Class-Action Suits

The Supreme Court on Wednesday handed a defeat to businesses, ruling that they cannot stop a class-action lawsuit by offering to pay the full amount sought by the original plaintiff. In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court sided against advertising firm Campbell Ewald that was trying to avoid a class-action lawsuit. ADVERTISEMENT “An unaccepted settlement offer or offer of judgment does not moot a …